The Melton Shire
Our local Shire has provided continual encouragement for the Sanctuary, and is keen to see it as a tourism destination. They have approved a Town Planning application and issued a permit on the property for the purpose of the Sanctuary. The zoning of the property is for rural conservation, and our activities here are considered a totally appropriate use. The Shire has already assisted the Sanctuary, local wineries and olive grove to conduct private high-end tours to our respective venues. We anticipate continued assistance and support in the event of expansion to a fully-fledged tourism destination, as envisaged with the new visitor centre.
Recently Completed Projects
Volunteer efforts have led to a number of improvements, including vast escape-proof galloping fields, plus a custom designed housing facility for the animals.
Proposed Visitor Centre
We have advanced to architectural plan stage of the project that will house our artefact and library collection, to aid in our promotion and education of the public on the species. This building will also boast a complete research library, retail merchandise outlet and an indoor/outdoor terrace café, as well as interactive displays and gallery area. A small theatrette to seat 48 people is an inclusion in this vision. We recently launched a drive for funds for this undertaking.